It is this time of the year when the temperatures start to drop and the day gets shorter. The frequently sub-zero temperatures will inevitably take their toll on buildings across the country and in some cases lead to frozen and burst pipes amongst other problems. This is a costly inconvenience which can often be prevented by taking simple measures.
We have compiled a list with a few helpful tips on how to protect your business during the winter period.
– Take into account hazards and increased risks which may apply during the winter.
– Introduce a loss prevention programme and have a risk assessment in place.
– Check whether your lighting system works properly in order to ensure the safety of your visitors.
– Inspect your pipes and make sure they are in a good condition.
– Insulate your pipes when possible.
– Ensure your central heating system is working efficiently and is serviced regularly.
– Review your fire safety risk assessment if you use portable heating equipment.
– Keep the building heated during a prolonged period of cold weather.
– Check roofs, drains and gutters and make sure they are in good order and clear of debris.
– Inspect your building regularly so you can pinpoint problems immediately.
There are many ways in which you can prepare yourself for the winter weather and prevent any problems that may occur. Do not hesitate to contact us on 01206 760780 if you need further advice on carrying out a risk management assessment or developing a risk management plan. You can also write to us at and we will make sure we deal with your enquiry speedily and efficiently.