What impact will a Labour government have on charities?

Following the Labour Party’s recent electoral victory, the Labour Party’s 2024 manifesto offers a detailed vision for the future of the charity sector. For charities navigating the evolving political landscape, understanding the implications of Labour’s policies is crucial.

At WRS Insurance Brokers, we recognise the vital role charities play in our communities and the importance of being prepared for legislative changes. Here’s an in-depth look from our Charity Insurance experts, at how a Labour government could impact charities and third-sector organisations.

Enhanced Financial Support

Labour’s commitment to providing more stable and predictable funding streams, rather than relying on short-term grants that create financial instability, aims to introduce funding models ensuring long-term sustainability. This approach could be transformative for charities, reducing the economic uncertainty many face and enabling more effective planning and operations. Local charities, which heavily rely on support from local authorities, could benefit from Labour’s promise to bolster funding, maintaining essential services at the community level and providing a more secure financial foundation for local organisations.

This enhanced financial stability might also improve charities’ overall financial health, potentially reducing risks associated with cash flow problems and positively influencing insurance premiums, allowing for greater investment in comprehensive cover.

Streamlined Regulatory Environment

Labour aims to cut through the red tape that often entangles charities, simplifying processes and making operations easier. By reducing administrative burdens, charities can focus more on their core missions rather than compliance and paperwork, while establishing closer ties between the government and charities can create more opportunities for collaborative projects and joint initiatives. This could open new avenues for funding and support, as well as streamline the alignment of charity activities with national priorities.

From an insurance perspective, less bureaucratic complexity can lower operational risks and administrative costs for charities, potentially enabling them to allocate more resources toward robust risk management and insurance planning, thereby enhancing their resilience.

Support for Workforce and Volunteers

Labour’s proposal includes ensuring all charity workers receive a living wage, a significant step towards valuing the sector’s workforce and potentially enhancing job satisfaction and retention, making the sector more attractive to talent. Additionally, Labour plans to provide more support and recognition for volunteers to enhance their engagement and retention. This includes offering training and development opportunities, aiming to cultivate a more skilled and motivated volunteer base.

A well-compensated and supported workforce could reduce turnover and associated training costs, potentially lowering employment practices’ liability insurance premiums. Moreover, improved volunteer engagement can mitigate risks related to volunteer management and operations.

Embracing Digital Transformation

Labour’s plans for digital transformation within charities encompass funding for technology adoption and enhancing online presence, aiming to improve service delivery, increase reach, and boost operational efficiency. Alongside this, Labour emphasises cybersecurity measures due to the increased reliance on digital platforms. Supporting charities in implementing robust cybersecurity measures will be crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining donor trust.

While investment in technology can enhance data management and operational efficiencies, it also introduces new risks. Therefore, cyber insurance will become increasingly essential to safeguard against data breaches and cyberattacks. Charities should review their Cyber Insurance policy to ensure it aligns with their digital strategies and adequately mitigates these emerging risks.

Community and Social Enterprise Development

Labour aims to expand support for social enterprises, crucial for addressing community needs and fostering economic growth, with a focus on enhancing access to funding and business development resources. Concurrently, creating community hubs to promote collaboration among local charities will strengthen community-based support networks.

Given the diverse activities of social enterprises and community hubs, it will be crucial to secure tailored Social Enterprise Insurance policies covering a wide range of activities to mitigate risks related to liability and property damage effectively.

Preparing for Change

For charities, the prospect of a Labour government presents both opportunities and challenges. By proactively adapting to these potential changes, charities can position themselves to benefit from increased support, reduced regulatory burdens, and enhanced operational capabilities.

Gungor Baykan, Head of Broking and Operations at WRS Insurance Brokers, offers his perspective:

“Labour’s manifesto presents both opportunities and challenges for charities. Their focus on involving the voluntary sector in policy-making can enhance the sector’s influence and operational scope. However, with new roles come new risks.”

“Charities must be proactive in updating their risk management and insurance strategies to ensure they are protected and can continue to thrive in this evolving environment.”

What Should Charities Do Next?

Review Financial Strategies: Align funding strategies with Labour’s proposed sustainable models

Streamline Operations: Prepare for reduced bureaucracy by optimising internal processes

Invest in Workforce and Volunteers: Enhance support for employees and volunteers to meet new standards and expectations.

Leverage Digital Tools: Embrace digital transformation while bolstering cybersecurity measures.

Assess Insurance Needs: Re-evaluate insurance cover to ensure it reflects the evolving risks and opportunities.

About WRS

At WRS Insurance Brokers, we are specialists in Charity Insurance and Social Enterprise Insurance and our experienced team is passionate about the charitable sector. As a business with a strong social conscience, we’re passionate about helping support the work of organisations that make a difference. Contact us to discuss how we can support your organisation during this pivotal time on 01206 760780 or email hello@wrsinsurance.co.uk.

WRS is proudly part of the Benefact Group, a charity-owned, international family of financial services companies that gives all available profits to charity and good causes.