Candles hold significant importance in the worship experience within church settings. However, it is crucial to remember that their improper use can potentially lead to major fires and serious injuries.
By taking simple precautions, you can ensure the safe and meaningful use of candles within your worship practices.
Here at WRS Insurance Brokers, our Church Insurance team have looked at the potential hazards associated with candles, outlining proactive measures to help protect your church.
Choose Wisely
Opt for high-quality, slow-burning candles. Investing in these ensures a measured and controlled burn, reducing risks linked to cheaper, faster-burning alternatives that may compromise safety.
Exercise Caution with Hand-Held Candles
Use purpose-made candles with proper slide-on card drip trays to mitigate any potential risks. This minimises the risk of molten wax damage and underlines the importance of supervised usage, particularly when involving children.
Placing of Candles
Candle placement demands strategic consideration. Maintain a clear perimeter around candles, steering clear of combustible materials, including decorations and electronic equipment. Optimal placement involves securing candles in metal holders on non-combustible surfaces like stone or brick.
Equipping with Fire Safety Measures
The presence of readily accessible fire extinguishers is non-negotiable in areas where candles are used. Water extinguishers, suited for addressing burning foliage, paper, and wood, should be strategically placed. Additionally, the availability of fire blankets, highly effective in managing burning clothing, contributes to a comprehensive safety net.
Means of Escape
In an unforeseen incident, swift and orderly evacuation is imperative. Ensure all doors are unlocked and easily operable, facilitating a seamless exit for congregants.
Lighting and Procedures
Equip stewards with torches to address minor issues without resorting to main lighting. In emergencies, an immediate switch to the main lighting is essential. Establishing a team of stewards with assigned duties, including allocating fire extinguishers, can contribute to a well-coordinated response.
Leadership Awareness and Announcements
Ensure that the individual leading the service is aware of fire risks. In emergency scenarios, they should be prepared to guide congregants through an orderly exit, following the directives of designated stewards.
Votive Candle Caution
When considering the use of votive candles, particularly those of the ‘tea light’ variety, it is crucial to be aware of specific safety considerations. Although these candles can burn for an extended period and are self-supporting, they can generate significant heat.
Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using this type of candle and instead opt for candles that require support, either through a pricket stand or by placing them in sand. This minimises the risk of someone intentionally placing them near flammable materials, potentially starting a fire, and prevents the candles from falling over and self-extinguishing.
Votive candle stands pose a distinct risk, especially when individuals reach over already burning candles to insert new ones. It is recommended that a designated church official, verger, or welcomer supervise the use of the votive candle stand. This person can carefully move lit candles from the front to the back, ensuring consistent availability of empty spaces at the front.
To further enhance safety, combustible materials should be kept at a safe distance from the votive candle stand and placed on a non-combustible floor (avoiding carpeted surfaces). Slips of paper used for prayer requests, often placed on a ‘Prayer tree,’ must be kept away from the votive candle stand, and precautions should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing into a lit candle.
Furthermore, placing any donation box for votive candles should be strategic to avoid contact between individuals putting money in the box and burning candles. Overall, prioritising these safety measures ensures a secure and mindful approach to using votive candles in a church setting.
Night-time Safety Protocols
A church must never be left unattended with candles still burning. When the church is locked up for the night, any remaining lit candles must be extinguished promptly. Additionally, a fire extinguisher and fire blanket should be kept nearby to address potential emergencies.
About WRS Insurance Brokers
We’ve been helping churches of all sizes find the best Church Buildings Insurance for their needs for over 40 years. Whether your buildings are old or modern, our experienced team will give you the peace of mind you need. We also specialise in Charity Insurance.
WRS is part of the Benefact Group, a charity-owned, international family of financial services companies that gives all available profits to charity and good causes.