Is Your Church Covered for Walk-in Theft?

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Is your church insurance due for renewal this December?

If so, check for essential theft cover to ensure you are appropriately protected.

Christmas is a very busy period for churches with increased events and services. This increased activity also means there is an associated increase in footfall with new and regular visitors turning out to support and attend the church.

With church doors open to visitors, this does present opportunities to those few who may look to take advantage. Sadly, walk-in thefts do still occur and churches should be vigilant over the festive period of this risk.

Be reassured – WRS are experts in providing church insurance throughout the UK and have access to specialist markets, including insurers who will include cover for walk-in thefts.

Good insurance cover does not mean churches do not need robust risk management in place. Churches should always check valuable items are appropriately protected and review property itineraries regularly to identify any thefts as soon as possible.

Replacing valuable items with cheaper alternatives when services are not taking place reduces risk and is just one example of how a church can protect itself.

Contact WRS Insurance Brokers to discuss your needs and find out more about how we can provide the appropriate insurance cover, including cover for walk-in thefts.